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Privacy Policy.

Notice addressed to the holders of personal data held by possession of Process & Control Services:

Process & Control Services (PCSMX) residing in Av. Camaron #4, Justo Sierra Colony, zip code 24114, in Ciudad del Carmen Campeche, makes its knowledge that the personal data of you, including sensitive, currently or in the future serves our database, will be treated and/or use by PCSMX those third parties, by the nature of their work or functions have the need to address and use your personal data; in order to fulfill those obligations derived from the legal relationship between you as the holder of personal data and the aforementioned company.

PCSX may transfer personal data held by their databases to third parties, national or foreign, unless the respective holders expressly stated their opposition in terms of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals.

Holders may exercise their rights under the Act by a written request, to be presented at the PCSX domicile indicated on the All applications will be submitted to PCSX, independent of the means used by operators, must:

Include the name and signature of the holder, and an address or other means to communicate the response to your request. Accompanying official documents that prove the identity of the holder. Include a clear and precise description of the personal data for which exercise their rights under the Act. Include any item or document that facilitates the location of personal data that are processed.

PCSX reserves the right to change, modify, supplement and/or alter this notice, anytime, in which case it will make your knowledge through any means established by legislation.